On Account Management

I did not attend the AAAA's Account Management Conference last month, and reading the summary, I wish that I had.  I have always said that I love my job for its diversity: I must learn about the advertising business, but also the businesses of each of my clients and how to apply communications strategies to it to build the business.  I like to dig in, do research and educate myself on all aspects of a business, and my job allows me to do that.  Reading the summary of Observations for the 2008 Account Management Conference, I felt even better about my agency position.  My favorite job description so far:

"Because the discipline has undergone a sea change, Hill said today’s account managers have the most exciting job in advertising, acting as 'equal parts juggler, mediator, father confessor, mother creator and brand steward, all rolled up into one exacting and brilliant mind.' She compared the job of account manager to executive producer of a big-budget Hollywood film."


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Makes Me Want To Be A Kid Again