Why It Matters That More Women Are Online

I accept the challenge presented by Blake's Think Tank, and present my opinion as to why it matters--specifically in Arkansas media--that more women are online than men.Who are our key media communicators and influencers online in Arkansas: men.  And yet a good portion of their readers are likely women.  How easily do you think those readers could be swayed to read a female writer who was delivering quality information with a woman's style of communicating (more friendly, likely more unbiased, a focus on the details in addition to the big picture, incorporation of back-story making the entire piece more personal and personable)?  My opinion is that it would only take one strong female media personality online to convince female readers to switch.
Women (across the country and in Arkansas) make the majority of household decisions: what to purchase, where to spend the money and how much to spend.  (The only area where they don't rule when it comes to purchasing power: beer.)  More time is going into researching online before buying.  And, the opinions of "people like me" are the most trusted.  Local media are missing the boat by not touting a female opinion leader in their online spaces.  Women want one in Arkansas.  And, I am not just talking about mommy-bloggers.  Or political gurus.  Or movie reviewers.  Or business influencers.  But we do need all of those.  We need to have representatives for women in all stages of life and backgrounds in Arkansas communicating through our media outlets online.Quality matters.  And, personality matters.  Men have figured this out.  The few women that I have found writing online for our media in Arkansas are conveying neither.  Women: tell us who you are and why we should listen to you.  Then, deliver on that by providing quality content.  You will get the readership.  And the men will have to stop ignoring our presence in Arkansas.


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