Caught De-Friending

Frustrated with Facebook a few nights ago, I de-friended some people.  I cleaned house.  I assumed that no one would notice.  And I got caught.  Lesson learned: if you are active in the social media world and you live in a relatively small market, then your absence won't go unnoticed.  I am now sheepishly re-friending.  Please consider this my apology to all my de-friended friends.  I will not blame you for not accepting me back now.This experience has me thinking about privacy versus sharing in this age when social media participation has become expected and the societal norm.  Are we sharing too much?  Are we at a point where we expect people to share everything?  Is it weird that I find myself thinking of my daily activities in 140 character updates throughout the day ("Ms. Adverthinker is frustrated by stiff shoes that rub blisters; Band-Aid Blister Block helps though."  "Ms Adverthinker is disappointed iPhone died, but excited about pretty pink cover avail for new one.  Damn accessories get me every time.")?  I ask these questions when I find myself uncontrollably sucked into Facebook.The risk we take in exposing ourselves in the online world is that we actually expose ourselves.  It seems so simple to type a few words and click a few buttons.  But the impact of these small actions can be large.  We are sharing our lives with the world.  The world.  Admittedly, in a market like Arkansas the world might be a little smaller: everyone who is online knows each other, even if they have never met.  We are all friends without actually being friends.  And I feel like I know everything about their lives.Although I might not want to know everything about their lives, I just can't help but read, watch and dig a little deeper.  It is human nature to be voyeuristic and social media allows us to feed this desire.   But it is easy to get caught up and overwhelmed by other people's lives:  What does the cryptic status update mean?  Who is that person in this picture?  Why are they sad?  Why are they happy?  Who are they talking about?  Who are they quoting?  What does it all mean?! So I started thinking that I didn't need to know everything about all of my friends.Because I have very little self control and can't quit Facebook cold turkey, I decided to taper cessation of the habit by cleaning the friend house.  Maybe I overreacted.  Or maybe I didn't take it far enough; I left the door open by not canceling my account (much like cutting up your credit card when you have the number memorized: it doesn't stop you from spending).As an active resident of this new social media world, I should have known better than to think a person can do anything online and have it go unnoticed.


links for 2009-05-08


SWIM 5 PM Friday at Satellite Cafe the Heights