New Site: Double X

I have been reading The XX Factor blog on Slate for several months now and I really like it.  It is smart, funny and not the overdone stereotypical female voice.  This is not a mommy-blogger site or a fashion site or a celebrity stalker site.  But they talk about mom stuff, fashion and celebrities.  And they talk about politics, current events and pop culture.  The blog has been received such a great response that they are turning it into its own site: Double X.  Here's a brief description from The New York Times today:

"To turn the blog into a full-fledged Web magazine, the site will draw from a number of contributors to include commentary and critiques of popular culture, film and television, home design and family life, along with features like personal narratives from women on surviving the recession. Double X has also formed a partnership with Google to offer a news feed focused on women on the site."

Check it out.


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