Women, Social Networks & Blogs

For those who still want to argue against the influence of women on the future and their impact online, check this out :

"...42 million women in the United States (roughly 53% of the 79 million adult women in the United States who use the Internet) participate in social media at least weekly. As they spend more time with social media, women are spending correspondingly less time with traditional media: 39% less on newspapers, 36% less time reading magazines, and 30% less time watching TV." (source)..."The women who post to blogs are the most actively engaged. They spend the most time online. Over 80% also participate in social networks like Facebook, and over one third of bloggers also participate in Twitter. But more to the point, those who blog are more likely to be tech savvy, on the leading edge of trends, and invest time searching for new products online." (source)

These stats are the result of a survey conducted by Blogher in March 2009.  We already know that more women are online than men.  And now we know how engaged they are in the online space and how influential they can be on each other: women reported that they are significantly more likely to make a purchase decision based on customer experiences reported on blogs.  They are relying on blogs for information on politics and news, technology/gadgets, cars and business/career/personal finance.  They are relying on their social networks for social activism, sex/relationship/dating, entertainment and shopping.Any marketer targeting women should be leveraging the influence of blogs and social networks to communicate brand and product messages, as well as news and information.

  • Provide a forum for these women to speak to each other and to you about the brand/products/news.
  • Communicate back and worth with these women.
  • Reach out to them in their world.  Show that you are paying attention and that you care what they have to say.  Ask for their opinions.
  • Monitor what they are saying and address issues and concerns.  Or reward them if they are brand ambassadors.

links for 2009-05-13


links for 2009-05-12