Our Digital White House

Continuing its impressive use of technology last week, the White House announced that the President's Economic Report would be available for free download on electronic book readers:

"As part of White House’s commitment to make government more accessible, the Economic Report of the President is now available as an eBook for your Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble nook, Sony Reader and a number of other devices. We are always looking for ways to bring people closer to their government through new technology."

The @whitehouse tweet:

"A first: Curl up by fire w/ the Economic Report of President on Kindle, nook, Sony Reader."

This White House has done more to engage the public in its processes than any other before it: Twitter, blogging, Facebook, an iPhone app, and now books for ereaders.  They have embraced this era of transparency and opened the doors for everyone to enter.  Regardless of political affiliations or presidential popularity, the effort must be applauded.




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