Zynga IPO

Last week, Roby Brock and I talked about the trend for social media companies to enter IPOs, and Zynga came up in our conversation as one on the horizon for entering that realm. Well, it happened a couple of days ago.  Zynga's user-base and proven profitability have made it desirable:

  • 232 million monthly active users
  • $597 million in revenue in 2010

Mashable provides a list of 11 other interesting stats about Zynga's success.Zynga is the company behind social games like FarmVille and Mafia Wars and is highly dependent of Facebook for its players.  "The company admits that basically all of its revenue comes from its partnership with Facebook: 'We generate substantially all of our revenue and players through the Facebook platform and expect to continue to do so for the foreseeable future.'" This fact may make investors a bit wary of buying in immediately, but with the success of LinkedIn and the talk about growth potential of gaming/games in general, Zynga will probably fair well in this market.


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