Loving Turntable

Have you checked out turntable.fm yet? While music is in my life everyday, I am not very knowledgeable about or good at finding the stuff I like. Let's just say I don't have an exceptionally discerning ear, but I know what I like when I hear it. And I like being around people who know more about than me and are willing to teach me.Turntable is that online version of being around people who know more and are teaching me when an in-person lesson is not an option. The reason that I am talking about here is the social and gaming aspects of site participation are interesting:

  • Anyone can set up a room and DJ to a theme of their choice. Up to five people can DJ in a room and the control rotates between them.
  • Anyone can join the room and "vote" on the song playing as "lame" or "awesome." When you vote "awesome," your avatar's head starts bobbing to the music. You can see how the song is fairing on the lame/awesome meter while it plays.
  • The more people that favor your song, the more points you build as a DJ. With more points, you can change your avatar (choices open up at different point levels). Every visitor can see your score.
  • There is a chat column in each "room" and visitors talk about the music.
  • The name/title of the song shows and there are built in features for sharing the song to your social networks and saving the song to your music player of choice.

CNN recently called it the "cool kids' Pandora" and offered some spinning tips for the new visitors.I am loving it right now. Check it out.


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