Remixing and Stealing #SXSWi

"Everything has been said before but no one was listening the first time"A couple of weeks ago, I posted here about the book "Steal Like An Artist." It is a book I thoroughly enjoyed and I've referred to several times since to inspire creativity in my own thinking. At SXSW today, I had the pleasure of listening the author banter with the Everything is a Remix creator in a session about demystifying creativity.The two men talked about the fact that there are no more original ideas, we are all doing one of the following when in our creative processes:

  • Copying
  • Transforming
  • Combining

Their discussions covered rip-offs versus remixes, filering and curating versus creating, and wanting to be unique while also wanting to be a part of something. But the best demonstration of principle was when they played a segment from one of the Everything is a Remix web videos. I've embedded a full video here and it is worth watching, especially if you are a movie buff.

Everything is a Remix Part 2 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.


Why Use Google+? #SXSWi


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