Online Advertising Can Be Good

Too frequently our online advertising is thought of as an add-on to the campaign and is simply a hastily executed version of the television or print with little thought as to how it will be experienced differently online. Google has set out to show us that great "traditional" advertising can be great online when approached still with the same overall message and brand objectives, but with specific thought about the way a user can experience and interact with that message in the digital space. With Project Re:Brief, Google found iconic advertising and its creators, then worked with them to develop online versions of the advertising that are truly amazing.So far, Google has released the Coca-Cola and Volvo ads, complete with a video documentary of the process and step-by-step descriptions of how the ads work through the technology. It is inspirational and educational. Check out the full site: Project Re:Brief.(Thumbs up to Mr. Stone for sending this my way.)


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