Getting the Work Done: Top 12 Work Apps

I tend to work across multiple devices throughout the day--computers, iPad, iPhone--but I use the same applications across all the devices. I try new ones constantly, but here are the ones that are tried and true, that I always return to and typically always have open on my computer or in my browser:

  1. Chrome: This is the web browser I use for work. We use Gmail and Google docs and it just seamless to use those within Chrome.
  2. Evernote: I've talked about this app time and time and time again. I love it. I don't know how I existed without it. It is on all my computers, my phone, my tablet and it all syncs perfectly so I have my notes with me all the time.
  3. Reeder: I read a lot of blogs and news sites, every day, all throughout the day. This app pulls in my Google Reader RSS feeds with the settings/categories. From within the app, I can share the articles/posts I find interesting through a wide array of social choices: email, Twitter, Delicious, Evernote, etc.
  4. Delicious: I've used Delicious for four years for bookmarking and tagging online finds, mostly articles, that I want to be able to reference in the future as a resource. It is my online library.
  5. Wordpress: This blog is in Wordpress. Our Waiting for the Elevator blog is in Wordpress. We use it for many of our client website projects. I am always in Wordpress. It is easy to use.
  6. Keynote: Presentation tool alternative to PowerPoint. Graceful and beautiful.
  7. Google Docs/Drive: We do a lot of collaborating on documents at our agency. Google Docs is a great way to do this, track how everyone is contributing and bring a project together without a lot of meetings while still allowing us to share responsibilities.
  8. Garage Band: I use it for our podcasts on Waiting for the Elevator.
  9. iMovie: I use it for our video interview series on Waiting for the Elevator.
  10. Spotify: Background music throughout the day. I like that I can create custom playlists and share them with my friends and see what my friends are listening to when I need new music.
  11. iTunes: Podcast-listening.
  12. Twitter: The Twitter app is open on my desktop all day, every day. I re-arrange all my other windows so I can see the constant stream of news throughout the day. It is how I keep up with the world.

What applications to do you like for getting your work done?


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