
I've been reading a lot of books about sketchnoting as I have decided to make this one of my things to learn and do this year. Sketchnoting is about capturing the concept and big ideas in a conversation or presentation rather than recording every detail of a meeting. So there are times when it will be appropriate, and times when it will not be, depending on the context and content of meetings and presentations. I'll share some of my sketchnotes here as I deem them worthy and after I have had a bit more practice. This is one of my firsts:Notes from this Gary Vaynerchuk presentation (and yes, I am aware I spelled his name incorrectly in my sketch).The books that I have read on using sketching and drawing to communicate are:

  1. The Sketchnote Handbook: The Illustrated Guide to Visual Notetaking. This was by far the best read with great examples and tips for approaching visual notetaking.
  2. The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures. This book really picks up where the first one in this list left off (though not intentionally; these are two different authors) and talks about communicating ideas through drawing.
  3. Blah, Blah, Blah: What To Do When Words Don't Work. This was not my favorite read. It is by the same author of The Back of the Napkin and I felt like it was a lot of talking for a book about drawing.
  4. Gamestorming: A Playbook for Innovators, Rule-Breakers and Changemakers. This book is a great resource for jump starting ideas and thinking in brainstorming meetings. Many of the recommendations include drawing to communicate, and even provides tips for getting participants past that "I can't draw" resistance.

Getting Dressed: A Wet Week


Getting Dressed: A Short, but Busy Week