Girl Gets Geeky: My New Pebble Watch

[gallery columns="2"]The idea of the Pebble watch was launched on Kickstarter in April 2012 with a goal to reach funding of $100,000. Thirty days later, they had raised over $10 million dollars given by almost 70,000 people. I was one of those people. And my reward for backing the Pebble watch almost a year ago arrived in my mail last Saturday: my very own Pebble watch. It had been so long since I thought about this watch, I'll admit I was a bit ambivalent about its arrival. But I opened the box and saw how easy it was to set up, so I took five minutes, set it up and almost immediately fell in love with my new watch.The Pebble is lightweight and comfortable on my small wrist. I am the girl that feels naked without a watch and constantly looks at my wrist for the time, even when I have just noted the time on my phone. I have a classic Timex that I love dearly, but this Pebble feels at home on my wrist. It even told me so:

Beyond being a timepiece, out of the box the Pebble syncs with my iPhone through a Bluetooth connection. This connections delivers a vibration to wrist and sends text messages and phone calls to the watch screen. This let's me know if it is vital for me to pick up my phone, or if it is a communication that can be delayed until I am off the road, out of meeting or done with a particular task. It actually allows for additional focus rather than acting as an added distraction. Additionally, I can control music on my iPhone from the watch, which has been pretty fun to demo to everyone who has asked about the watch over the last week.Which brings me to its appearance: I thought the watch was subtle and unnoticeable, given its lightweight and comfort on my wrist. But it looks cool and everyone I've encountered over the last week has noticed it and asked it about. So be prepared to show it off if you decide to buy one.The company is working on apps that will work with the watch to increase its features and functionalities. I can't wait to see what the future holds. I am a geeky girl who loves her gadgets.


Getting Dressed


Getting Dressed: Spending Some Time in Chicago