Carry the Load

It is officially May and that means it is officially Memorial Month. This year I am taking part in Carry the Load, an organization whose mission it is to bring back the true meaning of Memorial Day. The national relay component of Carry the Load has already started and is headed our way to Arkansas. It will be in Little Rock on TUESDAY May 21st. You can participate in a 4 PM, 6 PM, 8 PM or 10 PM in North Little Rock and Little Rock on TUESDAY May 21st.I will be walking in memory of my brother, Robert James Reeves, who died in Afghanistan on August 6, 2011. He was funny, smart, compassionate and my best friend. I miss him every day. But I know that he died doing the job that he loved and that he felt was important for our country. I will be carrying Rob. Who will you be carrying?You can read more about my story and the details of Carry the Load here.See this image for details about the walk coming through North Little Rock and Little Rock. And you can download and print a copy of the poster from this link CarryTheLoad for distributing around your community. Thank you for your support.IMG_6278


Getting Dressed: Conference Attire


Getting Dressed: Friday Neon