ARK Challenge (@ARKChallenge): Week 7

If you would prefer to listen to this blog post rather than read it, please scroll to the bottom to hear me read it to you.We are officially halfway through the 14-week ARK Challenge program and we are feeling the pressure of getting the pitch perfect, making the proper contacts and getting our business model finalized.  Here is what we accomplished this week:

  • Visited Acumen Brands and heard John James' success story. His business is so impressive and one of those flies under the radar in Arkansas. He has robots working his warehouse!
  • Met with Innovate Arkansas to get more advice for evolving our business model.
  • Created the first draft of our pro forma business revenue model to start reviewing with mentors and accountants.
  • Received our stock certificates!
  • Purchased a sound booth to start recording in Week 8. Though this doesn't sound like a big deal, Jody drove a 30-hour round trip to Virginia to pick it up, so that took much of the week's work time.

On Monday, Jody was out of town and I was put on the spot to give our 60-second pitch during a visit with Acumen Brands CEO John James. Jody is typically our pitch person. I am not sure I did it justice, but I do know our business.


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