Why PressBaby Matters To Me

In the spirit of the PressBaby mission, this post is offered as audio, video, and text so you can choose how you would like to consume its content.PressBaby is my business, so of course it is important to me to see it succeed. But at PressBaby, we are creating products and services that I actually want to use as a constant consumer of information, news and content.I love to read. I love to be apprised and knowledgeable about what is going on in the world. I love to learn new things. I work opportunities to do all of these things into my day-to-day life. But, just like everyone else in the world, I am busy. Technology has made life easier, but it has also made us busier. We never turn off work, we are multitasking more and more, and you rarely walk down the street without seeing most people with white earbuds dripping from their ears, while they are typing away on their smartphones and trying to get to where they are going all at the same time. We are busy people. But that doesn't mean that we don't want news and information and aren't hungry to get it in some way.The other benefit to technology is the social integration. It is not pulling us further apart; it is bringing us closer together. We may seemed tuned out with our heads down and our ears covered, but we are actually making connections and sharing more information.I truly believe that the products and services that we are creating under PressBaby meet the demands and desires of our lives.I want to share a story with you that demonstrate how and why these products and services are valuable to my life activities.I travel a lot of my friends. We take group trips - by road, by air, we rent houses together and spend a lot of time together. The point is: we spend a lot of time talking, sharing and learning from each other. On long road trips in particular, we all have magazines and as we flip through them, we share interesting content that we find. On one particular road trip, I found one article so interesting that I decided to read it out loud so that we could all enjoy it together, occasionally pausing to discuss certain aspects of it. To put it in perspective, it was an article in the New Yorker and exceptionally long. It took us a couple of hours to get it through it. As the reader for the group, I stumbled over difficult names and found it challenging to read for such long periods of time. It would have been great to have an audio version of that article that I could have just pressed the play button on and we could listen together, pause when we wanted to discuss, then played to continue "reading."I travel a lot, I work a lot, and I am moving around a lot. It is hard for me to sit down and read a lot of information. Being able to spend five minutes skimming headlines, building a playlist of content that interests me, then going about my business while listening and learning is infinitely valuable to me. Sure, there are podcasts and there is radio and there is television. But I love the content and full length journalism that I get in magazines and newspapers. And that content, I can't find in the format that I want to consume it. And that is why PressBaby was born and why I am passionate about what we are building.I want to hear from you about how, why and where you might use the products we are building. Please reach out on Twitter @PressBabyCo and let's start a conversation about making a product that fits the needs and wants that you have for information consumption in our fast-paced digital world.


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