Presentation Ready: The "Magic" Cord Bag

Over my years in the agency business, I have learned the hard way how embarrassing it is when you don't have the proper cables and equipment to give your presentation. As a result, I have built up a collection of equipment that stays in my computer bag at all times so that I am always presentation ready. People know that I have this perfect back of cables and connectors, therefore they frequently ask to borrow it. While I am always happy to help a colleague out, this is my personal stash. Too many things get lost of misplaced when 50+ people have access to it. To help my fellow agency presenters, here is what is in my "magic" cord bag. Maybe it is time you started building your own.Image 11-27-13 at 10.58 AMphoto 2photo 1 (1)photo 3


Getting Dressed: Stretch


Getting Dressed: Look At Me