Book Review: Show Your Work

photoI can't remember how I was first introduced to Austin Kleon's work, but I've been following him ever since. Books, keynotes, Twitter, enewsletter and his blog all feed my hunger for his words of wisdom. I picked up this copy of Show Your Work at SXSW this year, but just now picked it up from my nightstand to read it. And I read it all in one sitting this afternoon.In the book, he addresses the question of "getting discovered." It is about so much more than that though. It is about the creative process and the work that goes into the end product. The value of the work that goes into the product is just as important as the delivered work, according to Kleon. Especially for building an engaged audience who feels apart of  the work that you are creating.I loved this book and recommend it to anyone needing creative inspiration.


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