Music Makes Memories

There are two commercials running right now -- both for insurance -- that I stop and watch every time they play. It is the music in both that initially drew me in, but it is the clever execution that keeps me watching and giggling every time I watch. Yesterday I was getting ready for work and I could hear the tv in the living room that my husband was watching. The UnitedHealthcare spot below came on and I heard him laugh when it was over.I am not currently shopping for insurance of any kind, but I remembered the brand names associated with both of these commercials. When I heard one connect with my husband, I started thinking about why these two were so memorable to us:

  • Music. Both "Push It" and "Time of My Life" are songs from my teenage years. I remember them fondly. I could sing all the words to Salt-N-Pepa's songs and I must have watched Dirty Dancing 300 times.
  • Clean Humor. Don't get me wrong, I am all for dirty humor. But these commercials are funny without being stupid, silly or dirty. I don't feel guilty smiling when I watch these spots.
  • Surprise. I haven't seen Salt-N-Pepa in years. The Geico commercial would not have been as good if it was the song without the artists. The UnitedHealthcare spot wouldn't have been as funny if the couple had not crashed on the table. It made it believable and something we could all connect with because it could happen. Making the perfect lift would have been funny, too, but not as memorable.

Having worked in the advertising business for 16 years, I have become jaded and cynical when it comes to viewing ads. It is nice to come across a couple of spots that can still connect with me.


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