Learn Something New Every Day


emily reeves dean to do list: learn something newLearning is a passion of mine. My quest for knowledge has taken me to architecture school, journalism school, law school, guitar lessons, motorcycle classes, drawing classes, yoga classes, coding classes, photography classes, pitch competitions, a startup business accelerator, reading thousands of books, watching movies galore, publishing a book, fits and starts of writing projects, more airline miles that I can track, the insides of conference centers, presenting to rooms full of people and hours on end staring at a computer screen.The last couple of years, I have not been as disciplined about learning as I like to be. Life changes like marriage, becoming a step-mom, home construction, moving twice and changing jobs tend to disrupt schedules and routines! When I left my agency job to pursue a freelance career, one perk I was most excited about was the control I would have over my work hours so that I might be able to have more structured learning opportunities. And I have definitely taken advantage of that opportunity the last eight months. I am having so much fun, whether it has been in the two eight-week photography classes I have taken, the Hubspot Content Marketing course or Google AdWords self learning. Over the coming weeks, I will share some of what I am learning.


Reading: Latest Book Series Obsession


Digital Download #2