Wedding Vows

The wedding reception was fun, but the ceremony was the most special part. It will be one of the memories I hold dear in my heart forever.FullSizeRenderMatthew and I decided to write our own wedding vows. The hard part wasn't the writing of the vows. We knew exactly how we felt about each other and we were each able to articulate those feelings. The hard part was saying them, in front of an audience while crying because we were so emotional. But that made the moment just that much more special.With this marriage, I became a mother: Matthew has a seven-year old daughter. Throughout our engagement, I came to understand that it was not just Matthew and me getting married; Sophie and I were getting married, too. So we made Sophie an integral part of the ceremony, made vows to her and even gave a tiny version of my engagement ring. I don't think there was a dry eye in the room by the time we said "I do."

My Vows to Matthew

Matthew, you have been my best friend, playmate, sounding board, cheerleader and confidant. But most importantly, you are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could ever imagine. And most the people here can attest to that.You know me better than anyone else in this world and somehow still you manage to love me. I feel so lucky to be standing with you here right now.Matthew, today and always I take you to be my best friend, my faithful partner, and my one true love.I promise to be your partner in parenthood,Your comrade in adventure,Your student and your teacher,Your accomplice in mischief,And forever member in our own two-person book club.I promise to be supportive and to always make our family’s love and happiness my priority. I will dream with you, celebrate with you and walk beside you through whatever our lives may bring. Even if that means the three of us sharing one bathroom.I see these vows as privileges: I get to laugh with you and cry with you; care for you and share with you. I get to run with you and walk with you; build with you and live with you.In sickness and in health: I promise to take care of you, even when you’ve over indulged the night before. For richer or for poorer: I promise not to spend all our money on shoes. For better or worse: I promise to always find your "lost" wallet, keys, sunglasses, shoes...I promise to love and to cherish, from this day forward until death do us part.

My Vows to Sophie

To Sophie, I want you to know that I dearly love your father. As you have so graciously shared this wonderful man with me, so will I share the love I feel for him with you. Together, we will learn much more about each other.I promise also to be fair and to be honest, to be available for you as I am for your dad, and to earn your love, respect and true friendship. I will not attempt to replace anyone, but to make a place in your hearts that is for me alone. I will be mother and friend, and I will cherish my life with both of you. On this day when I marry your dad, I marry you, and I promise to love and support you as my own. And I promise to indulge your sweet-tooth as often as I indulge mine.Photo by: Whitney Bower 


"Life Is Short. Enjoy The Butter."


Wedding Reflections