"Life Is Short. Enjoy The Butter."

My Waffle House waffle at breakfast on Sunday.Consider it trademarked, I am adding it to my life mottos (currently consisting of only "Always Be Prepared"): "Life is short. Enjoy the butter."I love butter. When I was growing up, my parents used to ask me if I wanted bread with my butter since I considered the bread just a vehicle for the butter. As an adult, I know that I shouldn't slather my food with delicious, real, creamy butter. But I do it anyway. Because I love butter.There are many unhealthy and fatty foods that I have cut from my diet, and there are many things I can cut from my diet and be okay with (I just haven't yet, because wine and cheese dip are awesome). But I will never give up butter. I have had a lot of happiness and sadness in my life. I don't live in fear of death, but I recognize death can happen at any moment, having lost both my mom and my brother. Life can be short. We shouldn't waste days arguing, being mad, worried about the small stuff or missing butter.


My Special Talent: Writing Thank You Notes


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