My Special Talent: Writing Thank You Notes

Stationery from Minted.I've been told I write a good thank you note. I take pride in the thank you notes that I write. I make them personal and heartfelt. I try to write them in the three days following a the event that deserves a thank you (I don't always make that deadline, but I try).  I think my secret is that I don't write a thank you note just to check it off my to-do list and seem polite. I write thank you notes to show appreciation for that person in my life.Here are my tips for writing a great thank you note:

  • Nice stationery. It doesn't have to be customized for you, but it should not be on notebook paper. Find something that is meant to be used a mailable note card.
  • Good pen. It could be a fountain pen or a gel ink pen or even a fine tip Sharpie. But avoid pencil, ball points and fat markers.
  • A writing space. Sitting down at a table or desk gives your writing purpose and makes it seem more formal in tone (it is a psychological thing).
  • Readable handwriting. Handwriting is the important thing here. Please don't type your thank you notes. If you have bad handwriting, simply slow down as you write to help make it more legible.
  • Personal touch. Share a piece of your life and/or acknowledge a piece of his or her life. Go beyond the "thank you for the gift" and show appreciation for the person.

My other special talent: folding my tongue into three parts.Taken at the Made by Few conference in 2013.


My Favorite Books of 2014


"Life Is Short. Enjoy The Butter."