The Writer
After over seven years of solopreneurship, freelancing as a digital strategist, and pursuing online business success, plus over 20 years working in ad agencies, I’ve learned (and evolved) quite a bit over the years. In these posts, I share my experiences, recommendations, tips, tricks, successes, and failures to help you learn to monetize your skills and grow your business.
Unveiling the Metrics: A Guide to Measuring Digital Media Success
Digital and social media have become indispensable tools for individuals, businesses, and organizations to connect, engage, and promote their brands. However, navigating the vast landscape of digital media can be overwhelming without a clear understanding of how to measure success.
Embracing Intimacy: The Social Media Shift Towards Smaller Communities
In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, a noticeable shift is taking place as users seek more meaningful connections in smaller, more intimate communities. The era of massive follower counts and global interactions is giving way to a desire for authentic, personalized experiences.
How To Promote and Market Your New Podcast
Marketing a new podcast takes time, effort, creativity, and more time. However, with the right strategy and tools, you can attract a loyal audience and grow your show's popularity.
What is BeReal and does your brand need to be there?
The BeReal app is being touted as the anti-Instagram, focusing on real, unedited everyday life, as opposed to filtered and staged Instagram posts we’ve gotten used to on that app.
Tracking Social Media Content Trends
The pace of change and evolution in social media marketing is rapid. If you are not working in and on social media on a daily basis, it is nearly impossible to keep up. So, how do I keep up and know how to advise my clients?
5 Tools I Can’t Work Without
Aside from the obvious need for my computer and iPhone, here are the tools that I would be lost without as I do my job daily as a full-stack marketer, specifically with a focus on digital marketing. Business tools move in and out of my work life regularly, but these are the five I consistently go back to time and time again.
What is a full-stack marketer?
When I get asked what I “do,” I’ve stumbled over how to answer. Throughout my career, I always described “what I do” with “who I work for and what my title is” rather than actually describing what I do. As a freelancer with multiple direct-to-business jobs plus a job at an ad agency, it becomes much harder to rely on the “who I work for and what my job title is” answer to “what do you do?” Now I say that I am a Full-Stack Marketer.
Three Mistakes Businesses Make When It Comes To Social Media
The most common questions I get are for tips to gain more followers on social media. Here is the secret: followers come when you approach the content in the right way. Most businesses using social media are making one or more of three key mistakes when it comes to posting content.
Instagram Stories: Yes or No?
I mean, coming up with good content frequently enough for just your regular Instagram post is hard enough, right? Now you are supposed come up with stories in 15-second increments that can be shared regularly enough over 24 hours to keep your brand in that top horizontal feed on Instagram? Yes. Yes, you are.
Getting Started with Facebook Advertising
Placing ads on Facebook and Instagram is easy, they said! You can do it yourself, they said! Then why the hell aren’t they working? It *IS* super easy and Facebook gives you all the tools and guidance you need to do it right. Which means it is *ALSO* super easy to spend money without getting the results you want. There is some strategy involved in the type of ads to place, building the right audience, and using the best creative messaging.
Find Followers and Build Engagement on Social Media
So you’ve got great content and want more people to see it without spending money to place ads. Let’s talk about how to build engagement and grow your social media following.
What Gets Measured, Gets Done
In order to know what is working and what is not working, you’ll need to look at the analytics from your content and review it for performance trends. With this information, you can draw conclusions and make recommendations for optimization going forward to make sure you are spending your time on social media more effectively and efficiently as possible.
It’s Time To Create The Content
Now that you’ve brainstormed the content ideas and mapped out what you are going to post about and when, it is time to create the content.
Brainstorming Social Media Content For Clients
Posting new content regularly can be daunting, whether you are doing it for your personal brand, for your employer or for multiple clients. Here are five tips for planning social media content for clients.
You’ve been hired! Congratulations! Now what?
Let’s talk about how you kick-off your relationship with your new client the right way and make sure you have the information you need to create and manage effective social media messaging.
The First Step To Getting Paid: The Proposal
How much should you charge? How much information should you include in a proposal? What does it take to get the job? My proposals have evolved quite a bit over the years since I first struck out on my own. In this post, I share my current proposal structure and the things to consider including in your proposals
"Pick My Brain" On Social Media
The most frequently asked question I get is “Can I buy you a cup of coffee and pick your brain on social media?” With this post, I am going to save everyone time and money by answering the social media questions I usually get asked over all those cups of coffee.